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  1. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    This is not my story but a conversation and confession of an acquaitance

    Lorrie had been someone who i had talked to at a few party's she was married to an older man she was 20 he is 36 and a high flier she was good company but quite naive .
    On this particular day we had bumped into each other at a pub lunch she was quite reserved at lunch and i asked if she was Ok
    She asked if we could talk in private and so i invited her back to my house .
    We settled on the sofa with a drink this was the conversation.

    We had been burgled about 9 months ago and jeff my husband decided to have an alarm system installed , he is often away sometimes for a week or more it made me feel safer , until 6 months latter while jeff was away 2 intruders managed to bypass the alarm .
    I was home alone .
    Luckily the next door neighbour had seen lights moving in the house and raised the alarm before they moved upstairs where i was still asleep .
    They still managed to escape .
    Jeff was beside himself pondering on what could have happened when he flew home
    The alarm people blamed the break in on the telephone line being exposed so it was easy for them to kill the WIFI connection
    Jeff was livid saying we needed something better.
    A week later Jeff arrived home with an addition to the family a very large Dog black and brown and about 30in at the shoulder with a huge head he explained it was a Rottweiler cross trained for personal protection .
    To me he was huge i'm only 5ft 1in and when he raised his head it was level with my chest .
    Jeff explained that once he was included in the family and had bonded with us he would die protecting me .
    His name was Storm .
    Jeff led storm over to me and told me to pet and fuss him while he unloaded a huge bag of dog food and bowls and bed .
    I stroked his head and scratched his ears and he circled me sniffing before standing in front of me and licking my hand and leg .
    Jeff barged the door open and storm spun round a low growl in his throat before subsiding as he recognised Jeff
    Wow i thought his huge muscular body was so tense for that instant the way he had stood in front of me breed instant confidence in him .
    I dropped down beside him telling him he was a good boy ruffling his fur and was rewarded by his tongue licking my face .
    • Like Like x 8
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    • Creative Creative x 1
    1. fuzzywuzzyjohnbear
      So very hot thank you looking for more.....
      fuzzywuzzyjohnbear, Sep 2, 2023
  2. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Half this story has vanished
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
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    1. Ben840
      Fix it quick Roxan, we’re dripping with anticipation here :)
      Ben840, Aug 30, 2023
    2. paulavettbrothers
      I do want to hear more!
      paulavettbrothers, Sep 5, 2023
      omni1805 likes this.
  3. Monkeynutz

    Monkeynutz Sex Lover

    Dec 7, 2022
    that's terrible! really enjoyed reading what is still here!
  4. neptunes

    neptunes Porno Junky

    Apr 28, 2023
    Ditto just gone
  5. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Confession : continued .
    Jeff sat on the sofa and i joined him he opened a folder on his lap that the breeder trainer had prepeared on storms care and how to reinforce his bonding with the family, but to expect him to choose an individual who he felt closest to.
    The main thrust was in the first couple of weeks plenty of petting and stroking treats and praise .
    Nothing to arduous .
    Whilst we were reading and talking Storm was exploring .
    That week jeff stayed home but stayed mainly in his office so it was i that walked him and feed him .
    The result he followed me everywhere often just sitting watching whilst i got on with things his large intelligent eyes seemed to look deep into me it was unnerving at first.
    Especially when i came out of the wet room after showering the first time he caught me naked i felt embarrassed having a male look at me , I know he was a dog but in my mind he was still a male
    It did not help that as he sat in the doorway i could see the red tip of his cock .
    Jeff made an announcement he had just been told one of the other partners had ,had a heart attack and he was flying out to Dubai to replace him he expected to be gone for a minimum of 10 days , saving the best till last he was flying out in 5 hours time .

    We argued we had been trying for a child and i was going to be fertile while he was absent during the argument raised voices seemed to spook storm to the extent that when Jeff moved closer to me Storm bared his teeth at him growling deep in his chest .
    Well we know whos his favourite now ! Said Jeff
    We said sorry and went up stairs engaging in makeup sex jeff finished quickly leaving me laying on the bed it was then i saw storm sitting quietly in the corner of the room .
    How long had he been there had he watched us have sex ?.
    I slid from the bed pulling on a short silk robe and went downstairs for a drink leaving jeff packing the last of his things
    Storm followed me down almost welded to my side
    It was as i was Pouring tea i felt jeffs sperm trickling down my leg a thick sticky rivulet dropped to the floor and before i could think of cleaning it Storm did the job for me licking it up .

    More to cum just have to find the time to continue
    • Like Like x 8
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    1. Trina Spunkt
      My brief unfinished confession in another of my comments a short bit prior to this one was interruptted my admittance.
      Trina Spunkt, Sep 4, 2023
  6. Ben840

    Ben840 Sex Machine

    Oct 25, 2018
    Attagirl Roxan. Great writing as always. Don’t leave us hanging on too long
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Summerboy2020

    Summerboy2020 Sex Lover

    Sep 20, 2020
    Good story. Let’s hear more
  8. jsr1907

    jsr1907 Porno Junky

    Mar 25, 2019
    Great start Roxan, can't wait to read more!
    • Creative Creative x 1
  9. mnpeekn

    mnpeekn Sex Machine

    Sep 28, 2015
    Can't wait to hear more.....
  10. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Confession : continued

    Storm licked every last drop from the floor as i watched .
    I was entranced by the site , again i could see his cock swelling in its sheath fascinating .
    I ran upstairs and into the shower washing every drop of jeffs seed from my body using the shower head to flush out my pussy .
    Coming out of the shower storm had followed me and had laid on the bottom of the bed .
    Oh no you don't i tried to move him of the bed to no avail a 109 pound girl trying to move a 185 pound dog was not working i gave up and left him there .
    I slid into bed my feet under the covers against his muscular body .
    I was woken in the morning from a highly erotic dream of me being taken by a rapist , by the sensation of having my toes licked .
    The covers had come of and storm was licking my toes not an unpleasant sensation i lay back on the pillows and watched as his tongue seperated and slid between my toes .
    An image popped into my mind of that long dexterous tongue licking my body .
    I pushed storm away .
    I dressed quickly in sweat pants and trainers with a loose hoody and called him for his walk snapping his lead on we went out .
    As we progressed through the park i noticed i was getting some hard looks .
    I realised i had dressed so quickly to get out and drive the images of storm from my mind i had not pulled on any panties and the sweat pants had moulded to my body in a distinct camel toe .
    The walk home saw me at first blushing red then becoming quite Brazen i liked the gaze of both men and women there eyes drawn to the outline of my pussy .
    For once when we got home storm retired to his basket and seemed to sleep .
    I cleaned up myself and the house and realised time had flown it was almost 1pm .
    A quick phone call and i went to meet the girls for a pub lunch there were 5 of us i was the youngest and the only other married girl in the group .
    Like any group of women the conversation ended up on sex two of the girls were Bi two married and the last it was sort of understood indulged in more taboo relationships .
    One of the Bi girls was being shared by a Black brother and sister and her description of there sessions got quite steamy describing the pleasure of a ten inch cock .
    I told them my sex life when jeff was here was ok .
    Just ok i was asked , and i had to explain that he was away quite often and for prolonged periods of time .
    Was i lonely not so much now i had Storm as a companion and protector .
    I did admit i had a large battery powered friend for when my needs overcame me .
    Our taboo friend smiled and passed a comment that my protector probably had ten inches hidden away .
    That brought a pregnant pause before she laughed it of .
    Look at the time ! we had meet at 2pm it was now 7,30pm and i realised i was slightly squiffy .
    We all decided to call it a day .
    On the short walk home i realised i was slightly more than Squiffy i was pleasantly drunk .
    Walking into the house i was meet by an agitated storm this was the first time he had been left alone for sometime .
    He jumped up his paws on my shoulders almost knocking me over his tongue licked over my face and lips actually sliding into my mouth .
    I pushed him down with some trouble , i know i should have been revolted by his tongue but really wasn't just thinking his tongue was very wet .
    I walked up stairs shedding clothes as i went falling onto the bed naked i started to think of the description of the black lover and reached into the bedside draw bringing out my electric friend i started to masturbate sliding the buzzing shaft deep into my tight little snatch with one hand while the other found my clit .
    I could feel my orgasm approaching when Storm started to lick my curling toes and that touch triggered my orgasm it hit hard and fast my back arching .
    As if he had received a sign storm started to lick upwards along my leg his rough tongue caressing my still shaking legs .
    I reached out my hands on his head i held him away .
    But he was having none of it ,
    storm moved his huge body between my splayed legs and the next time his tongue touched it was on the silken skin of my inner thigh.
    I reached out again my hands on his magnificent head but this time i pulled him closer to me .
    • Like Like x 7
    • Winner Winner x 3
    1. paulavettbrothers
      paulavettbrothers, Sep 5, 2023
    2. paulavettbrothers
      paulavettbrothers, Sep 5, 2023
  11. Shaggy1369

    Shaggy1369 Sex Lover

    Jul 3, 2016
    This could be a great story
    For normal people these stories broken down in parts is a total turn off.. I tried to get involved but once I got into it, boom it stop.. then I read the next part and the first part was blinking in my mind.. then it was only another part.. sorry but this story history for me.. I can't continue in parts..im done with this, can't get my mind back into it..
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Summerboy2020

    Summerboy2020 Sex Lover

    Sep 20, 2020
    Yep. I give up too. Should be continuous.
  13. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Sorry boys but i just don't get enough continuous time . And for some reason when i try to save the conversation half or more goes missing and i waste time having to rewrite .
    • Like Like x 5
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    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  14. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Confession : continued
    Storm slowed his advance his tongue mere inches from my pussy and that was my rubicon and without hesitation i crossed it moving my hips down the bed in desperation .
    His tongue dragged across my mons still missing my hot wet snatch , his tongue followed the landing strip of my pubic hair and stopped
    I raised up on my elbows looking down my slim white body only to see storm head cocked to one side looking straight into my eyes in almost human fashion he moved slightly to the side and turned his head back .
    He was looking at himself and now so was I .
    About 5 in of thick angry red cock was out of his coal black sheath .
    He looked back at me his brown eyes looking into mine as if to say , "well what do you think "
    Before i could think he moved round on the bed
    God he stepped over my head and now that red veiny cock swung past my lips as his tongue parted my cunt lips in a perfect 69
    His tongue slid through my slippery labia delving into my core his tongue entering my vaginal tunnel .

    I came an Orgasm that shook my body like an earthquake never never had i felt an orgasm so deep as it subsided without a thought i reached out and guided his cock to my lips rewarded with a splash of thin cum that covered my lips and coated my tongue .
    Salty not unpleasant metallic but his cock was hot on my tongue i reached out and cupped his balls just as they pulsed pumping another shot of his seed into my mouth .
    I swallowed every precious drop my lips sliding down his growing length .
    Deep in my primal brain the urge to breed with a potent male surfaced , the taste the smell his muscular male body his rough fur all an assault on my senses
    For him the with his sense of smell my lithe body underneath him was pumping out pheromones like a thick aphrodisiac mist enhanced by the fact i was fertile .
    In fact the thought surfaced i was ovulating , my body ripe for impregnation .
    A shudder ran through me as in a moment of lucidity i realised i had crossed into one of the biggest Taboo acts imaginable .

    Storm moved round in control his cock slipped from my lips and he moved to my side his head burrowed under my side and he turned me onto my belly his tongue licked over my arse
    His head went underneath my belly and he tried to lift me when i failed to rise his huge jaws closed on the back of my neck pulling my head back forcing me to raise up onto my hands and knees .
    I had no power i was in his total control my rape fantasy coming true but with a dog .
    Storm moved behind me and his snout forced my legs further apart and then his weight crashed onto me i felt his cock slide up running through my slippery cunt lips and over my throbbing clit i felt his hot seed spray onto my bum .
    He lent forward his jaws closing on my neck as his hips moved closer to me .
    I knew dogs fucked hard and fast and i knew about the knot but storm was not going that way .
    His oh so very hot cock slid up against my core the pointy tip just inside me as hot thin seed began to coat my cunt walls
    I fucking lost it he was playing with his bitch
    I pushed back against him and his swelling cock stretched my vaginal ring open as i forced his cock inside me .
    His jaws closed a little tighter as if to say stay still bitch.
    And then he dropped of my back his cock pulling out of my cunt i almost cried in frustration in fact i did cry out

    That cry seemed to signal my total surrender to him and in seconds he mounted me his hips thrusting his cock hit in one and storm let out a short bark as he buried his long heavy cock deep in me .
    He began to fuck his bitch not the frantic machine gun fucking but a steady hard fuck going deeper each time all the time pulsing jets of cum into my fertile cunt
    I felt him bottom out in me and then the hard point of his cock was sliding over my softened cervix that with ovulation had opened
    The thought of his seed in my womb had me orgasming .
    He was still fucking hard when he felt me cum his growing knot
    His fucking speeded up the point of his cock catching on my open cervix each time .
    I felt a change his cock seemed to swell as his growing knot pushed through my vaginal ring slipping in and out of my ravaged cunt
    Until it was trapped inside me
    The ropes of cum that now pulsed inside me seemed different as his cock lodged hard on my open cervix .
    An orgasm wracked my body he was breeding me his hot virile swimmer filled seed was being pumped into my fertile womb he was impregnating me another orgasm shook me my cunt clamping down on the huge cock that filled my stretched cunt .
    My arms gave way and my head sunk to the bed and he seemed to be deeper in me .
    He was doing what my husband jeff had never done filling my womb with potent sperm.

    Sorry boys i have to go again more latter
    • Like Like x 9
    • Winner Winner x 4
    1. paulavettbrothers
      Fucking amazing!
      paulavettbrothers, Sep 5, 2023
      omni1805 likes this.
  15. majorripples81

    majorripples81 Sex Machine

    Sep 30, 2014
    Who's the good boy, yes you are, mommy loves her Stormy and when he makes it rain... He is such a good fucking dog, yes he is. Mommy is so wet.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Confession : continued

    Storms knot was hard on my Gspot every pulse of sperm from his big black balls caused his knot to pulsate against my Gspot forcing tremors through my body
    my cunt contracted in kegel spasms gripping his cock his hips bucked twice and i screamed as a sharp pain shot through me fading as quickly as it came somehow he had done the impossible the tip of his cock was now lodged in my cervix.
    His now thicker stickier seed flooded directly into my uterus .
    I knew his seed would find my egg that one thought brought another slow burn orgasm
    My mind was in a primal state my body governed by pure lust and the need to breed
    my movements instinctive i reached back with both hands holding his rear legs pulling him into me .
    We both stayed still my body in the throughs of an almost continuous orgasm as the jets of sperm became less and less
    I released his legs and storm slowly slid from me his knot still hard stretching me open until it popped out
    He walked round in front of me his cock hanging almost to the ground
    My god how had i taken that long very fat cock god it was huge fat and glistening with our mixed juices
    I could not stop myself i reached out and grasped his cock pulling him closer i rolled over and took his cock in my mouth
    It was twice the size it was earlier .
    I caught a glimpse of myself in the wardrobe mirror my small slim white body a huge red cock filling my mouth as my gaping cunt leaked a stream of cream colour seed onto the bed
    The sight alone made my stomach muscles contract the feeling of emptiness was overwhelming , i fell back on the bed exhausted i glanced at the clock we had been fucking for 90 minutes and it was still only 10pm
    I drifted of to sleep
    Wondering if i would ever feel like this again.

    Mmmmmm i woke to the feeling of storms tongue on my now so sensitive clit , I glanced at the clock i had only dozed for 20 minutes and my beast lover was ready again
    He was going to breed me again he was going to fill me with his seed
    I rolled over onto my belly my body on auto pilot i raised up onto all fours and he mounted me his cock finding my cunt .
    He began to pound into me his swelling cock filling me
    This time he fucked like the animal he was hard fast his knot growing fast battering on my cunt lips his balls slapping my clit .
    His jaws closed on my neck forcing my head down until i bent my elbows my face on the floor my arse raising high my back arched .
    I was in the perfect breeding position he hammered into me his cock punching into my cervix his knot caught and his strokes became short stabs .
    I was lost i began to push back against his animal thrusts .
    I was in a continuous state of heat my cunt clamping down on him as one after another orgasms took my reason .
    His fresh seed mixed with the sperm he had filled me with the first time
    I had enough control that i moved round underneath him till i could see our reflection in the mirror .
    A white froth covered my cunt a rivulet of sperm running from my abused cunt
    Oh god i could feel his swimmer filled sperm filling my womb for the second time his seed impregnating me breeding me i knew then i was his bitch his cum dump
    How would i ever have a normal sexual relationship with jeff again

    Storm pulled out of me stretching me wide as he pulled his knot free
    That first night he took me 4 times before finally letting me sleep

    For the next five days for the whole of my fertile period he never left me alone by the second day i had given up wearing anything so he took me wherever and whenever he needed to empty his balls
    I was going to have to buy a new mattress before jeff came home it was cum stained and stank like sex .

    The day the phone rang and jeff told me he was home in 5 days i was mortified if i was to keep the secret what was i to do .
    And thats when i hoped your reputation was true Roxan and called to see if i could talk to you.

    Would anybody like me to carry on with what happened when lorrie and I meet .
    • Like Like x 8
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  17. Hornygal6969

    Hornygal6969 Porno Junky

    Jan 8, 2020
    1. paulavettbrothers
      Absolutely over the top sexy!
      paulavettbrothers, Sep 5, 2023
  18. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Confession : the other side.
    The phone rang and to my surprise it was an aquaintance from our lunch club , ( for lunch substitute day drinking)
    Hi Lorrie how are you
    There was a pause at the other end "" i'm in trouble i need to talk ""
    I asked the obvious question "" why me "" we have only known each other for a few months .
    There was another pause "" can i come round to you i will explain then ""
    I was at a loose end so replied "" OK "" but why me .
    The reply two words "" your lifestyle " the phone went dead .

    I sat back thinking lorrie small slim very funny after a few drinks depending on what she wore is how old she looked .
    I knew she was early 20s but still looked young enough to be asked for ID to prove she was 18 in pubs
    She was married to an older guy an oil company executive who was always flying of for weeks at a time .
    In fact last week after copious drinks and a very risque conversation i had been tempted .
    I was about to go and put some clothes on when the door bell went .
    Dragging a short linen wrap of the door ( it was always there as i very rarely wear clothes at home).
    Opening the door she pushed past me to be faced with Butch my Rottie

    The expression on her face a combination of shock and embarrassment until i hand signalled Butch to leave .
    My god she looked about 15 dressed as she was ripped skinny jeans a short tight crop top that exposed her belly button but the killer 5in heels
    I ushered her into the drawing room .
    She actually gasped at our reflections in the full practise mirror and bar that covered one wall
    I sat her in one of the facing chesterfields and slid into the opposite one.
    She was flustered and started to speak i silenced her with a wave.
    A drink is in order before we start Gin and Tonic ok she nodded. I went to the wet bar in the corner and knocked up two very stiff 10 second pours .
    I put one in front of her and she picked it up and drank three quarters of it down .
    I lent forward to get my glass and my wrap gapped open looking up her gaze was locked on my exposed breast .

    Well Lorrie whats so urgent i asked she drank the last of her drink and asked " can i have another "" i made her another saying careful girl i'm pouring Spanish measures ,
    She shrugged her shoulders and started to talk about her adventure ..
    Halfway through i had to get up and make myself another drink and another for her .
    By the time she got to Storm trying to impregnate his bitch i almost came myself

    God she was descriptive my pussy was so wet and judging by the way she was squirming about she was hot to .
    I excused myself for a toilet break and did two things i opened the flap to let Gus in and clicked my fingers for Butch to follow me .

    Her face was a picture when i walked back with Butch her hand covered her mouth when he stuck his nose under the hem of my wrap .
    She grabbed her glass and it slipped covering her with gin and tonic her top wet the top of her jeans and the crutch soaked she brushed at her top and jeans to no effect until Butch walked over and licked the gusset of her jeans .

    More latter sorry conference call.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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    1. wlmaster75
      WOW Roxan!!
      wlmaster75, Sep 3, 2023
  19. FNQman

    FNQman Sex Machine

    Oct 22, 2020
    Very arousing descriptions , a great read .
    • Like Like x 1
  20. roxan brown

    roxan brown Porn Star

    Sep 7, 2017
    Confession : the other side

    Lorrie froze in place as butch nuzzled her groin a look of absolute panic on her face i used a control word and butch backed of .
    "" Sorry Butch can be a little forward meeting new people .
    I took her by the hand and led her into the downstairs shower room , i followed her in and gripping the sides of her top said arms up and she lifted her arms over her head as i slipped her top of .
    Drop your jeans of i will get you something to put on or slip this on hanging behind the door was an identical wrap to the one i was wearing i held it out to her
    As she kicked her jeans of surprise no panties i new she rarely wore a bra .
    Turning to me she tried modesty but if she reached with one hand she exposed her pert breasts the other hand and her pussy was in vue ,
    I pulled the tie on my wrap letting it fall open , "" lorrie why so shy of your body you got nothing i haven't she took a deep breath and reached out with both hands .
    Her body was taught slim skin like silk , exccept for the scratches on her sides and thighs , she felt for the tie on the wrap , surprise there wasn't one,
    My oh my little lorrie what have you been up to you dark horse.
    She bent and picked up her shoes her taught arse in plain view "" put them on "" she lifted one leg and slipped the 5in heel jimmy on then she reached out her hand on my shoulder and slipped the other on , i love wearing heels and love other women in them to
    That hand on my shoulder felt red hot .
    I lead her back to the drawing room and over to the wet bar sitting her on a bar stool i made us another drink perched on the stool the wrap left little to the imagination.
    I sat on the other stool Butch came over and sat between us i let my wrap fall open i dropped my hand down onto Butch' s head and swung round on the stool until his head was between my thighs and gave him the go word .
    Her eyes were out on stalks as Butch took a lick of my bald cunt .
    She lent forward and put a hand on Butch's head looking me straight in the eyes one word "" Please "" heavy with lust .
    I lent forward standing forcing butch to stop his ministrations and held her head in my hands our lips touching her tongue touched my lips and we descended into a deep kiss that i broke as her hands found my tits .

    I heard the click of nails on the hardwood floor Gus my Ridgeback was sat in the doorway watching he would not enter without a signal
    I turned her head to gus "" meet Gus i'm sure he wants to meet you "" .

    1.10am going to bed with both the boys.
    • Like Like x 4
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    1. Cumthirstymwm
      Hot as hell! What a story! Looking forward to the next installment!
      Cumthirstymwm, Sep 3, 2023